ICF Core Set Manual

A manual on one approach of using ICF Core Sets in clinical practice has been available since 2012: Bickenbach J, Cieza A, Rauch A, Stucki G. ed. ICF Core Sets: Manual for Clinical Practice: Göttingen: Hogrefe; 2012.
This manual includes:
- An introduction to the concepts of functioning and disability.
- A description of the development process of the ICF Core Sets and their purpose.
- An introduction to the application of the ICF Core Sets in clinical practice based on a documentation form and use cases (or case examples).
- All ICF Core Sets available at the time of printing and corresponding documentation forms.
The documentation form to create a functioning profile outlined in the manual is available on the open access interactive website www.icf-core-sets.org.
A cohesive and comprehensive guide to the understanding of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and its implementation in clinical rehabilitation settings. It is an ideal information source for those serious about implementing comprehensive, patient-centred rehabilitation clinical programs within an international context. It answers well the questions: 'What is the ICF?' and 'What can I do with it'.
John L. Melvin, MD, MMSc, Professor and Chair, Rehabilitation Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, USA)
This manual is inherently multi-professional and will be of benefit not only to practitioners in various health care settings, but also for students and teachers. It is available in several languages.
This new perspective on assessment of functioning brings theory and practice together. The arduous challenge of discussing how ICF-based documentation can be used to describe patients' resources and possibilities is clarified by this manual in a comprehensible and precise way, enabling a conceptual and practical understanding by its reader.
Linamara Rizzo Battistella, MD, PhD, Professor, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, São Paulo State Secretary for the Rights of the Person with Disability (Brazil)
The manual can be ordered online on various portals. To learn more about accessing the manual in the various languages, contact the ICF Research Branch at melissa.selb@paraplegie.ch.